Saturday, July 25, 2009


I am falling in love with plantains! I have been exploring and discovering all these new kind of ways to eat plantains and I am so excited. Ecuador is the largest exporter of bananas and plantains in the world, so the people here sure know how to make many things out of them!
The most common way here to eat plantains is fried, like chips. They are called chifles, they are either savory from green bananas or sweet from yellow bananas, I love them. Another way to prepare plaintains is on the BBQ with cheese and mayonnaise. The also make round balls of plantains and fry them and sometimes put cheese or meat inside -- these are called bolones. These are just some of my favorites, out of the millions of more ways to prepare plaintains.
I know it might sound strange, but these foods are so delicious and exciting that I am going to miss having them so available after I leave.

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